In the Paper Stocks window you can view predefined paper stocks or create your own custom ones. You can open the window by clicking the File > Paper Stocks menu.
User-defined paper stocks are useful for modifying the size and depiction of a cover element.
Predefined paper stocks have been set to match the manufacturer’s specifications for labels and papers. For example, some special papers can require a specific placement and position of the cover element. Or labels may have different sizes.
You can select the paper stocks that are listed here or that you create in the main screen area and assign them to the current cover element.
The window consists of three areas. User-defined and predefined paper stocks are displayed in a selection list in the area on the left. Each paper stock can contain one or more labels. These labels correspond to the cover elements in Nero CoverDesigner.
Setting options for the user-defined paper stocks are displayed in the middle area. These setting options are grayed out for the predefined paper stocks.
The size and position of the cover elements are displayed in the preview area on the right.
The following configuration options are available in the User-defined Paper Stock entry:
Add Stock
Adds a new paper stock.
Imports a definition file for paper stock in DAT format. New paper stocks are added to the user-defined paper stocks.
Exports a definition file for paper stock in DAT format. All user-defined paper stocks are exported.
The following configuration options are available in the paper stock entry:
Specifies the name of the paper stock.
Specifies the width and height.
Specifies that the paper is printed in portrait mode.
Specifies that the paper is printed in landscape mode.
Add Item
Displays a selection list that you can use to select a cover element.
The selected cover element is added to the paper stock.
Delete Stock
Deletes the current paper stock.
The following configuration options are available in the item / cover element entry:
Specifies the width and height.
Spine Width
Specifies the width of the spine, i.e., the middle part of the inlay.
The input field is available for the DVD inlay, CD inlay, maxi booklet, and mini CD inlay (front and rear covers).
Rear Width
Specifies the width of the rear portion, i.e., the part that is folded around.
This field is available for the maxi booklet and mini CD inlay (back) cover elements.
Indentation Radius
Specifies the radius of the flap. This field is available for the Biz Card envelope cover element.
Fold Width
Specifies the width of the folded seam.
This field is available for the business card envelope cover element.
Radius of Outer Boundary
Specifies the outer radius and therefore the size of the printable area (disc edge).
This field is available for the business card cover element.
Center Hole Radius
Specifies the inner radius and therefore the size of the unprintable area.
This input field is available for the Biz Card and rectangular Biz Card cover elements.
Bounding Rectangle
Specifies the size of the rectangle and therefore the oval form of the business card.
This input field is available for the Biz Card cover element.
Rounded Corners (X/Y)
Specifies the radius of the rounded corners on the disc.
This field is available for the rectangular business card cover element.
Outer Radius
Specifies the outer radius and therefore the size of the printable area (disc edge).
This field is available for the disc and mini CD cover elements.
Inner Radius
Specifies the inner radius and therefore the size of the unprintable area (disc hole).
This field is available for the disc and mini CD cover elements.
Position X/Y
Specifies the postion of the cover element on the paper that was defined in the paper stock profile.

Paper Stocks Window